On the surface this is an amazing game, and, while in practice it is fun, it is let down by quite a few flaws, which mean, for now, you're better of with the original game The perfect 3-D Mario Kart fan game for both Mario Kart veterans and Mario Kart newcomers. This is the first 3D Mariokart game to appear on MFGG - it's obviously going to be deeply flawed. Excellent job, Flipiberke! This is worth the download. Sure, it may not be the BEST GAME ever on MFGG, but most definately not the worst. One of the greatest games here on Mario Fan Games Galaxy. Despite being short on the audio side of things, you should give this game a try. This game is a true-to-series fan creation which deserves all the praise it receives.
This is a good replacement for Super Mario Kart for those who don't have an SNES.